Artie Shaw - Artie Shaw Price €8.00 Artist: Artie ShawTitle: Artie ShawLabel: GIANTS OF JAZZLabel No: LPJT 6Italien | Italy unknown
Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra - On... Price €3.00 Artist: Charlie Barnet And His OrchestraTitle: On Stage With Charlie BarnetLabel: CROWN RECORDSLabel No: CLP 5134USA | USA 1959
Count Basie - Basie Big Band Price €4.00 Artist: Count BasieTitle: Basie Big BandLabel: PABLO RECORDSLabel No: 2310756Deutschland | Germany 1975
Duke Ellington - The Duke Ellington... Price €7.00 Artist: Duke EllingtonTitle: The Duke Ellington CollectionLabel: DEJA VULabel No: DVLP 2014Italien | Italy 1984
Frank Sinatra - The Best Of Price €7.00 Artist: Frank SinatraTitle: The Best OfLabel: MUSIC FOR PLEASURELabel No: 1A02258137Niederlande | Netherlands 1981
Gerry Mulligan - The Concert Jazz Band Price €6.00 Artist: Gerry MulliganTitle: The Concert Jazz BandLabel: VERVE RECORDSLabel No: MGV-8388USA | USA unknown
Glenn Miller And His Orchestra -... Price €9.00 Artist: Glenn Miller And His OrchestraTitle: Glenn Miller StoryLabel: RCA VICTORLabel No: SRS560Deutschland | Germany 1975
Glenn Miller And His Orchestra - The... Price €7.00 Artist: Glenn Miller And His OrchestraTitle: The Glenn Miller Story Volume 2 (The Original Recordings)Label: RCA VICTORLabel No: PXM 1-8033Deutschland | Germany 1975
Harry James And His Orchestra -... Price €8.00 Artist: Harry James And His OrchestraTitle: Swinging With Harry JamesLabel: TOP CLASSIC HISTORIALabel No: H-626Deutschland | Germany 1970
James Last - Non Stop Dancing 1976 Price €6.00 Artist: James LastTitle: Non Stop Dancing 1976Label: POLYDORLabel No: 2371626Deutschland | Germany 1975
James Last - Non Stop Dancing 78 Price €4.00 Artist: James LastTitle: Non Stop Dancing 78Label: POLYDORLabel No: 2371871Deutschland | Germany 1978
Marilyn Monroe - Remember Marilyn Price €13.00 Artist: Marilyn MonroeTitle: Remember MarilynLabel: PHILIPSLabel No: 6370201Deutschland | Germany 1972
Marilyn Monroe - Songs & Sounds Price €13.00 Artist: Marilyn MonroeTitle: Songs & SoundsLabel: UNITED ARTISTS RECORDSLabel No: UAS29560IDeutschland | Germany 1973
Russ Morgan And His Orchestra - Does... Price €3.00 Artist: Russ Morgan And His OrchestraTitle: Does Your Heart Beat For MeLabel: VEE JAY RECORDSLabel No: VJ-680USA | USA unknown
Shirley Bassey - Live At Carnegie Hall Price €8.00 Artist: Shirley BasseyTitle: Live At Carnegie HallLabel: SR INTERNATIONALLabel No: 63203Deutschland | Germany 1974
Various - Erinnerungen An John Wayne Price €7.00 Artist: VariousTitle: Erinnerungen An John WayneLabel: FONTANALabel No: 6424108Deutschland | Germany 1979
Various - Jazz In Czechoslovakia 3 Price €14.00 Artist: VariousTitle: Jazz In Czechoslovakia 3Label: SUPRAPHONLabel No: SUB 15473Tschechoslowakei | Czechoslovakia 1963
Various - Jazzbühne Berlin '82 Price €14.00 Artist: VariousTitle: Jazzbühne Berlin '82Label: AMIGALabel No: 855987DDR | DDR 1983
Woody Herman - Jumpin' With Woody... Price €7.00 Artist: Woody HermanTitle: Jumpin' With Woody Herman's First HerdLabel: TOP CLASSIC HISTORIALabel No: H629Deutschland | Germany 1970
Woody Herman - Second Herd Price €35.00 Artist: Woody HermanTitle: Second HerdLabel: CAPITOL RECORDSLabel No: ECJ-40012Japan | Japan 1985
Woody Herman - Woody's Winners Price €7.00 Artist: Woody HermanTitle: Woody's WinnersLabel: CBSLabel No: 21110Niederlande | Netherlands 1984